Return Policy Page  7-21 Days Easy Return Guarantee

In case of product problems (eg product breakdown, tearing, wrong size, product not working, product mismatch, etc.), you may get the full value of the product returned under the conditions below.


Return can be occurred in two stages:

At the time of delivery(Only products delivery by Bongobir,com own delivery representative)

After receiving a delivery (Have to notify within 24 hrs)


Within 24hours of receiving the delivery, you must mail complaintin@Bongobir, or register a number at

3) You must return the product to the office of today’s office within 7 business days in maximum charge.

In case of refund, the product must be fully intact with the box.

If the price of the product is above the price and for any reason higher than today’s                                              price, you will have to register the Complaint by emailing complain@Bongobir,com  within the extra 24 The additional cost you pay will be refunded through development within 7-21 business days if your Compliance is correct.


Our Complaint Team will call you for any complaints regarding the product or service. We would like you to be active on the phone until your complaint is resolved. If the number in your contact is not active then an alternative number must be active. You will need to provide a refund to us for the refund. If we do not receive your assistance by phone or email within 10 business days, we will consider your complaint resolved.


The order of the product will be delivered regardless of stock. For inevitable reasons, delivery of the product may take longer than the seller promised delivery time.

Bongobir,com authority has the ability to cancel your order at any time, even after order confirmation. In this case, if you do not accept after giving the courier for refund information (bkash No / Rocket No / Card No. etc.) and product delivery in advance, the product will be refunded within 7-15 business days after returning the product from today’s courier.

Note :

Please note that you need to contact us within 24 hours after receiving a faulty or damaged Products, it is very necessary that you contact us via mail and also you have to send us the Products within 3 days. We will bear the return delivery charge.

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